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From the Director of Technology Services


To further our commitment to excellence, the Fenwick Technology Department guides and develops, with the Administration and faculty, the school’s use of technology in the classroom and throughout the institution. Students are encouraged to develop their computer skills and their knowledge of how technology can enrich and affects their lives throughout their academic program of studies. To support this goal:
  • All students are required to have an iPad.
  • Students will have access to the school network and the Internet.
  • Students will have a network folder available online to store files.
To enhance communications between members of the Fenwick community:
  • All faculty members, students and staff will be provided with a Fenwick e-mail address.
  • Weekly Bulletins are emailed to all students and parents.
  • Faculty, Students and those Parents who sign up for the Fenwick Emergency Notification System will receive an automated phone call with important information.
To enable parents and students to have a greater sense of a student’s academic progress, Fenwick uses a Learning Management System service (Schoology) which enables students and parents to interact with faculty members. to have access to their homework, grades and academic resources.

The Technology Department is open from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on school days. We are located in Rooms 253 and 255. If you have questions about Technology at Fenwick, please feel free to contact us.


Ernesto Nieto
Director of Technology Services

Meet Our Director

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Ernesto Nieto

    Ernesto Nieto 

    Director of Technology


The Technology Department is responsible for the following:
  • Network Management/Maintinance
  • Desktop/Laptop Computers
  • Servers
  • Printers/Copiers
  • Access Points
  • LCD Projectors
  • Key Card Access
  • Faculty/Student ID's
  • VOIP Phone System
  • Security Cameras

1:1 Learning

1:1 learning enhances student critical thinking and problem solving capabilities, as well as supports self-directed learning. This program will teach our students how to engage responsibly in a digital environment and strengthen their 21st century skills such as understanding the ethical use of technology, accountability, social responsibility and personal productivity. It supports creativity and innovation, communication and information skills, as well as global awareness and civic literacy. Acquiring this knowledge and developing these skills will better position our students for their future college years and beyond.

Using iPads will allow us to replace some of the textbooks with iBooks and e-books, lightening the load students must carry with them every day. Additionally, it will reduce the cost spent on textbooks, which may offset the cost of the iPad over the course of four years of high school. Students will be able to access original documents, videos and other curriculum materials at anytime from anywhere inside the school and outside, too, which facilitates anywhere–anytime learning. The iPad provides a way for students and teachers to engage in an interactive, student-centered learning environment.

All students are required to have their own iPad.

Consider purchasing your iPad from the Fenwick Apple Store to receive Apple’s Educational discount. The store can be found at

General FAQ's

List of 20 frequently asked questions.

  • Q. Who is required to get an iPad?

    All students must have their own iPad.
  • Q. Can I bring a device other than an iPad into school?

    Students are required to have an iPad. Our program is tailored to using texts and applications that are most effective on iPads. Students may bring laptops to school, however, laptops and personal smartphones will not be allowed on the Fenwick Wi-Fi network.
  • Q. Which iPad should my student purchase?

    It is recommended that you purchase a Current Generation (10th as of Feb 2025) or later with a minimum of 256 GB of memory. The minimum iPadOS that is recommended is v17. It is also recommended that your iPad have a hard case to protect it from damage.
  • Q. What accessories come with the iPad? What additional accessories are required? What are recommended?

    All iPads come with a power adapter and a Dock Connector to a USB cable. An Apple Pencil or other stylus and/or keyboard is recommended.
  • Q. Can I share my iPad with a sibling or another?

    No, the iPads will be required throughout the school day and sharing will significantly limit the effectiveness of the program. However, books and apps may be purchased on an iTunes account that shares content across devices.
  • Q. How do I connect my iPad to the Fenwick Wi-Fi?

    The Tech department will need information from the Student iPads for Fenwick WiFi connectivity to be established. An email is sent out in June with directions on how to provide this information.
  • Q. How will the iPad be used in the classroom?

    Classroom use will vary by subject. The iPad replaces many textbooks in the classroom, serving as a simulation platform for science classes and acting as a student's primary interface to email and web activity.
  • Q. How will my student learn how to use the iPad?

    During Freshman Orientation, while the student is setting up their iPads for the Fenwick Wi-Fi, a class will be given about using Fenwick approved apps as well as Schoology.
  • Q. How do I get the needed apps and/or iBooks' on my iPad?

    Apps are available for purchase through the App Store, which comes standard as part of the Apple environment. Students will be given a list of apps that they must load on their iPad. Fenwick will have a list of required apps per subject, which will vary in price. Many of the apps we intend to use are available at no cost, e.g. calculators. For information on electronic books, please see the information sent to you over the summer.
  • Q. Will all books be electronic?

    No. However, Fenwick is working hard to move to electronic books in all areas. This rollout will take several years and is dependent on teachers, availability of e-texts, etc.
  • Q. Will students still have or be able to use hardcover textbooks?

    Students may use hardcover books if they prefer. However, the iPad will be required for other classroom activities (e.g. simulations, web access, etc.).
  • Q. Will my student need to purchase a calculator?

    Yes, calculators are required for math and science. Familiarity with a calculator is paramount to ACT/SAT performance and math and science testing, iPad use for ACT/SAT testing is not allowed.
  • Q. What can I do to prevent loss/theft/damage to my iPad?

    The iPad, like their cell phone, are expensive electronic items are should not be unattended. We recommend that you download the app "Find my iPhone" and install it on the iPad. If the iPad is ever lost or stolen, this application allows messages to be sent to the device, an alarm to sound, and a map to show the location of the device. To prevent damage, students should be mindful of how they carry and store the device. Also, a case of the student's choice is recommended.
  • Q. What should I do if the iPad is damaged, lost or stolen?

    If your iPad is damaged, an Apple Store can fix the iPad for a fee. If the iPad is lost or stolen, we can help track the device if it is in the school and it is on. Once the device leaves the school, we have no way of tracking the device. Find My iPad is a highly recommended app to install and turn on.
  • Q. If my iPad is in for repair or is lost, what can I do until I get a new iPad?

    Fenwick provides loaner iPads at a cost of $35 for a maximum of three weeks for students that lose, damage or have their iPad stolen. If students are in a situation where a loaner iPad should be issued, both parents and the student are to sign the loaner agreement found on the website.

    We have a limited amount of loaner iPads.  Unfortunately, we may not be able to provide you an iPad when you request one.
  • Q. Can I print directly from my iPad to the school printers?

    Printing to school copiers from an iPad is available. Students should check their Fenwick email for instructions on printing from their iPad.
  • Q. What happens if my student forgets to charge their iPad?

    Maintaining the iPad and charging the iPad is the responsibility of the student. Failure to come to school with a charged iPad may result in an inability to participate in classroom activities. Consequences will vary from class to class.
  • Q. Is there a way to charge iPads at school?

    Students should be sure their iPads are fully charged each day when they come to school. However, there are electrical plugs in the entryway and throughout the school if needed.
  • Q. Will students be able to back up information on the network? Is their data protected?

    Students will not be able to back up their files to the Fenwick network from the iPad. There are several cloud storage apps which students may use to back up their documents, e.g. iCloud or Google Drive.
  • Q. To what extent will my student be able to customize his/her device?

    Since iPads are personal property, students can customize their desktop experience and application folder environment. It is suggested that students customize their device to suit both their home and school needs (i.e. folders for subjects, page for personal use, etc.).

2025 iPad Setup

Students will be emailed directions on how to send us information from their iPads that will be added to our system before July 14th.  Students will also be given student login information to the various systems, as well as information on completing a required Digital Citizenship course.

Loaner Program

If your iPad has been lost, stolen or damaged, and is in the process of being repaired or a new iPad purchased, you can request a loaner iPad from the Technology Office. Please follow the following steps:

Obtain a Loaner iPad Application form from the Technology Office or from the link below.

Fill out all the requested information. Both the student and a parent/guardian must sign the form.

Bring the completed form to the Technology Office along with $35 (check made payable to Fenwick High School) for the use of a loaner iPad for a maximum of three (3) weeks.

When you receive your new or repaired iPad, return the loaner iPad to the Technology Office as soon as possible.

We have a limited amount of loaner iPads.  Unfortunately, we may not be able to provide you an iPad when you request one.
Loaner iPad Application

Lease to Own

Families who qualify may fill out a Lease to Own form.Lease to Own iPads are limited in quantity. Forms must be submitted by June 30th to
iPad Lease Agreement


Your iPad, like a mobile phone, is an expensive electronic item and should not be left unattended.

Be sure to purchase Insurance or be sure that it is covered on your homeowner's policy if lost or stolen. Student should NEVER leave their iPad in their locker.

It is important to note that Applecare+ is an extended warranty that covers only two instances of damage. It does not cover lost or stolen iPads.
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